We were listed - wow
Many thanks to the website who listed this podcast within the top podcasts to listen to. While we don't only talk about Crohns disease, in this episode, we do. Also, finding ways to manage your mindset around this illness.
We talk about labelling within hotels and how they are (or are not) catering for people with dietary requirements.
New book out: Look an Elephant in the Eye - travelling south east asia with autoimmunity. Books: My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E
Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21
Email: lusherlifenutrition@gmail.com
Motivational Merch: Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/louiseusherwrites Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/louiseusher Blog: http://www.louiseusher.co.uk (blog) Nutrition: http://lusherlifenutrition.blogspot.co.uk Instagram:http://www.instagram.com/lusher.life Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/lusherlife/ Podcast: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/autoimmune-diet-and-me/id1023129375?at=1001l626&mt=2&ls=1
Books: My amazon author page: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Louise-Usher/e/B00C1KEE5E
Recommended books for your Lusher Life: http://astore.amazon.co.uk/lusherlifefavouritebooks-21
Email: lusherlifenutrition@gmail.com
Motivational Merch: Mugs, t-shirts and stuff http://www.cafepress.co.uk/profile/108959736
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